We all have a story. Here’s mine.
As a child, I sat on a wooden porch swing in summer, listening to my relatives weave stories of the day, the weather, local politics, and news from oceans away. I felt a longing to tell the world’s stories, so I became a writer. I felt a pull to see the world, so I became a journalist. I felt a longing to support that world, so I joined a humanitarian organization. I wanted to connect the world and its stories, to link people needing help to those who could help them, so I began this business.
Decades from that porch swing, I’m still telling people’s stories, connecting neighbors from one continent to the next. I’ve expanded my communication talent to become a speaker, global change advocate, and creative catalyst. I do all this with a range of experience that still reflects these early values and interests.

B.A., cum laude, English, HOLLINS UNIVERSITY.
Graduate degree in Publications Management, cum laude, GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY.
Certified by NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY in photographic skills.
Fluent in French. Knowledge of Spanish.
Versed in print, electronic, and social media.